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Newberry Country Trail has hiking for everyone!

Whether you’re looking for a walk with your two-year-old, a hike to a subalpine lake, or summiting a peak that requires climbing gear, we have you covered! Out of hundreds of hikes, here are the staff’s 25 favorites, along with our day trip hike brochures you can download—just click on them!  Please don’t feed the squirrels or chipmunks on your hikes; people food makes it hard for them to survive the winters. 

Most parking lots require a national parks parking permit—Northwest Forest Pass, Golden Eagle pass and Annual passes are all valid.  Otherwise, get a permit at the trailhead. Be prepared for mosquitoes, especially in June and July; in the staff’s experience, something with a relatively high deet percentage is necessary to keep them at bay. Let someone know where you’re going and come prepared with food, water, maps, and for all   weather conditions.  On some hikes, other hikers may be few or nonexistent.  Most areas don’t have cell service. 

Newberry Area

Paulina Falls
Easy 1.6 miles roundtrip. Good for small children.  Start from the Paulina Falls picnic area, next to the restrooms.  The first 100 yards are nearly barrier-free and offer a lovely view of the falls.  Continue up the trail to cross the road bridge, turn left on the access road, left on the trail, and left on the spur to the other falls overlook.

Paulina Lake and Hot Springs
Easy  2.4 miles roundtrip to hot springs; moderate around the lake, a 7.5 mile loop.  From the day use parking inside the Little Crater Campground, hike 1.2 miles to the hot springs.  Continue around for the full lake.  Or follow the brochure.

Obsidian Flow Trail
Easy 0.8 loop with stairs.  Not suitable for dogs; the volcanic glass “sand” tears up their paws.

Lost Lake and Paulina Peak
Easy 2 mile out-and-back to Lost Lake. Paulina Peak is a hard,  9.6 miles one way, 19.2 round-trip.  Start at the Obsidian Flow parking lot and take the Silica Trail for 1 mile and turn right on the Newberry Crater Trail for .5 miles, then right at a sign for the Lost Lake Trail for .5 miles  You’ll smell volcanic sulfur.  For Paulina Peak, continue 2.9 miles to Crater Rim Trail and follow to the top.  Get a map, available at the range’s visitors’ center.

Peter Skene Ogden Trail
Easy 5.2 miles, child-friendly hike to McKay Crossing and back. Hard 17 miles round trip to Paulina Lake. Start at Ogden Group Campground day use parking area. Cross Paulina Creek, and continue up the trail to McKay Crossing. Paulina Slides (see brochure) is an additional 1.5 miles up the trail.  Or hike all the way to Paulina Lake. Take spur trails to see the various falls along the way. Or park at McKay Crossing to hike to Paulina Slides or Paulina Lake.

Cascade Lakes Area

Twin Lakes Trail
Easy 1.7 mile, child-friendly hike around South Twin Lake. No streams to cross. Start at Twin Lakes Resort, and walk left or right around the lake.

Fall River
Easy 2.6 and 4.8 mile round trip walks. Just south of marker 15 on South Century Drive, day use area of Fall River Campground. Walk to the river and then upstream to the footbridge, .1 mile. Cross the bridge, turn left and walk along the shore to the viewpoint for the shorter walk. Recross the bridge and follow the path upstream, finding your way to the old Guard Station Cabin and the enormous spring that is the headwaters for Fall River. For the longer walk, walk downriver from your car for 2.4 miles. The private property signs signify the end of the trail.

La Pine State Park
Easy .4 miles round trip to the Big Tree, and easy 5.3 mile loop to Fall River Falls.  From the Big Tree parking lot, walk down the paved path on the left side of the picnic area for .2 miles to see one of the largest Ponderosa Pines in Oregon.  To reach Fall River Falls, drive back to the paved road, turn right, cross the bridge, and take the right fork to the McGregor Viewpoint.  Follow the “Fall River” markers to see the confluence of the Fall and Deschutes rivers and the falls themselves.  Continue the hike through the hot, flat forest, staying left at the parking lot, or turn left and return the way you came.

Sisters Mirror Lake
A moderate 6.6 miles round trip.  Near the 30 mile marker, turn west at the “Trailhead” marker, park and start up the hill.  At 3.1 miles, you’ll hit the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail).  Turn left for 500 feet to the fork in the trail.  Go left to stay on PCT and Sisters’ Mirror Lake, and right on the User Trail to the two unnamed lakes where it may be warm enough to swim, or continue ahead over fallen logs to Lancelot Lake.  There are other small lakes to explore—make sure you have a good map.  A GPS is very handy.

Cultus Lake
Easy 1.6 miles round trip.  Begin at the Winopee Lake Trail and hike .1 mile to Cultus Lake; at .9 miles, you’ll reach a swimmable beach.  If you like, continue to Muskrat Lake, a difficult 10 mile round trip.

Willamette Pass Area

South Waldo Lake
Easy 3.4 mile round trip.  Start at the marked trail at the boat ramp near Shadow Bay.  The lake is lovely.

Bobby Lake and The Twin Peaks
Easy 4.4 mile round trip to Bobby Lake.  Difficult 10.6 mile loop to continue to The Twins.  Take the Waldo Lake Road, drive 5.4 miles and park at the Betty Lake Trail pullout.  Cross the road to hike to Bobby Lake.  To go to The Twins, backtrack to the PCT, turn right, and, after 2.5 miles, turn right on the Twin Peaks Trail. At the summit, you’ll have views of The Sisters and Waldo Lake.  Return to your car on The Twins trail. Carry a map.

Salt Creek Falls
Moderate 8 mile round trip hike to Vivian Lake.  Lots of waterfalls on this hike!  On highway 58, at milepost 57, turn at Salt Creek Falls and park near the Salt Creek Falls overlook. These are the second tallest falls in the state.  For the hike, take the concrete path upstream, cross the footbridge, and watch for the sign directing you through the woods to the trail junction, hike right to the Salt Creek canyon overlook.  Continue hiking 500 feet to the spur to Too Much Bear Lake and take a look if you like.  Continue up the mail trail, stopping at viewpoints, and taking the signed trail to Lower Diamond Creek Falls 1000 feet below the falls.  Wild flowers and fern abound.  Return to the main trail and hike to the trail junction.  Left will take the easy way back to the car.  To continue to Vivian Lake, go right to the Fall Creek Falls overlook, and 1000 feet further to the better overlook.  Continue to Vivian Lake.

Crater Lake Loop

Collier State Park and Logging Museum
Easy walk through the State Park logging exhibits and across the bridge.

Diamond Lake North Shore
Easy 1.7 miles out and back.  Popular with locals.  Start at the Diamond Lake Recreation Area.  Park at the left of the lodge, walk to the picnic beach and follow the lakeshore to the right out to Lake Creek.  Turn around there for the easy 1.7 walk, or continue on as far as your like.

Silent Creek
Easy 2.8 mile out and back from Silent Creek bridge.  Mosquitoes can be thick in June and July, but the wildflowers are beautiful.  In 1.4 miles, turn around at the dirt road.

Thielsen Creek to Thielsen Meadow
Difficult 11.4 round trip from Howlock Mountain Trailhead.  Follow the trail under Highway 138 and continue straight.  Cross Thielsen Creek at 3.5 miles and then take the right to parallel the creek to Pacific Crest Trail.  The meadow trail spur is just before the PCT junction.

Tipsoo Peak
Moderate 6.2 round trip from Tipsoo Trailhead.  Follow the trail to the summit for views of Tipsoo Meadow, Howlock, Thielsen, Bailey, Cowhorn and the Sisters mountains, as well as Diamond and Lemolo lakes.

Miller Lake
Easy 5.1 mile loop west of Chemult.  Hike out of Digit Point Campground, from the left of the beach picnic area on Miller Lake.  Follow the trail around the lake.

Cowhorn Mountain
Difficult 9.4 mile round-trip from Windigo Pass on Road 60 off Highway 138.  Use the trailhead on the left.  You’ll follow the Pacific Crest Trail for 4.3 miles.  the PCT curves left, and a faint trail marked by cairns on the left lead to Cowhorn Mountain summit.  This last part of the hike is a scramble to the top.  Or you can continue ahead .3 miles on the PCT for terrific views.

Warm Spring Falls
Easy.6 mile roundtrip from Road 2610 off of Highway 138 near Diamond Lake.  Start from the Warm Spring Falls Trail sign to the 70-foot Warm Springs waterfall.  If you prefer a longer easy hike, start at the North Umpqua River trailhead and hike to Lemolo Falls.

High Desert Loop

Fort Rock,  Hole in the Ground, Crack in the Ground, Cabin Lake, Sand Dunes, Lost Forest, and South Ice Caves.  Download our day trip brochures.

Hager Mountain

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