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Visitor's Center


Travel and fishing guides, interactive maps, Day Trippin’ itineraries, videos, and more!  Plan your Newberry Country trip now!  We have our information in our Visitors Center and online!  

Central, Eastern, and Southern Oregon--info in the Visitors Center

Travel guides and information for the Oregon east of the Cascades.  You’ll find all kinds of information about our spectacular side of Oregon.  

Made in La Pine Gifts

Located in the Visitors Center!

Oregon’s youngest town has one of the best visitor’s centers! Come find our what our greater neighborhood store has in store for you. Stop by and pick up a copy of our visitor’s guide, which cover’s Newberry Crater/East Lake, Paisley, and Waldo Lake. We also have a variety of Day Trippin’ brochures and locations about local attractions. You’ll find plenty to keep your family occupied for days!

And that’s not all! We have tourist attractions galore in Newberry Country! If it’s outdoors and we don’t have it, it may not exist. Interested in where you’ll go once you’re done in La Pine and Newberry Country? Check out our brochures for all places Oregon, as well as some information about Washington, California, and Idaho. We love to travel and we hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do!

Come on in and pick up the maps and brochures that you need, talk with the staff about their favorite place to visit, and have a great time chatting.  And while you’re looking for what you’ll enjoy most, do visit our explore page for some great places to eat and sleep.

Made in La Pine Store

Our Made in La Pine store is located in our Visitor’s Center. Come see what our local craftspersons have to offer.

Visitor's Guides

We have an extensive collection of downloadable travel guides and brochures!