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The Hidden Gem of Central Oregon for Business

Location & Setting

Our community is along U.S. Hwy 97, 30 minutes due south of Bend, Central Oregon’s regional hub of over 80,000 residents. La Pine has approximately 18,000 year-round residents within a 20 mile radius of the city limits. Just a few miles north of La Pine, Sunriver is an established resort community with an airport and other extensive amenities for both visitors and residents. Collectively, La Pine and Sunriver are the magnets of the southern part of Deschutes County, which has a total of 160,000 residents.

La Pine and Sunriver are near lakes, reservoirs, rivers and landmarks including the Newbery Monument and Crater Lake for plenty of outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, fishing, boating, and other sports.

Business Environment

La Pine has negotiable business incentives, scalable to suit your location or expansion needs. The city offers easy permitting, land that is both affordable and buildable with minimal obstructions, plus is a state-qualified Rural Enterprise Zone, which provides for up to 15 year property tax relief for qualifying businesses.

From 2015 to 2020, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) are investing millions in roadway and landscaping improvements while the city are expanding urban renewal projects to uplift area amenities.

Commercial business opportunities exist within the seven square mile city limit and surrounding areas. Retail and service business building units are available for occupation now, with extensive available buildable land within the surrounding landscape.

For information on forming an LLC, click here.

La Pine is an inviting place for your business and we welcome the chance to explore options and incentives to locate your industrial or commercial venture with us.

Our Members

Join the La Pine Chamber

Learn all about the benefits of becoming a member of the La Pine Chamber of Commerce. Small businesses benefit from networking, support, leadership, promotion, and much more.